The Family in the City

This post is late. It belongs with week 9: "The City as a Place of Conflict"

I was particularly interested in David Harvey's assertion that one of the motivators for suburbia was giving citizens property rights in order to secure Republican/Property Rights votes. It's not a theory I had heard before. I have to criticize, however, that this–


seems far more socialist/communist nightmare than this–

And yes–I *am* choosing unflattering images of both on purpose–but I'm sure I didn't have to.

We're seeing more and more than density allows for greater specialization leading to a higher quality of life for everybody. Suburbs give us... more exterior walls maybe?

Why are suburbs even still a thing? In my own local community I see developers still building more of such developments and it makes no sense! I'll ask the older people why, and they'll say they need a place for their children. Jane Jacobs did a lot for us, but apparently people haven't gotten it yet.

But hey–I'm beating a dead horse here writing this for this class. I just can't stand all the power plays and manipulation of the democracy at work here.

Big Bird wants to know if he has to spell it out for you. Again.


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