Being glocal by responding to very beginning

Obviously, buildings located in different regions have their own characters. some of them have white wall and black roof, some of them have courtyard, some of them floating in the air with the supports of pillars.

What makes these buildings look so different? I believe that Kenneth Frampton has provided us with the answer in the article named "Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance." 

Critical Regionalism necessarily involves a more directly dialectical relation with nature than the more abstract, formal traditions of modern avant-garde architecture allow.

The key word is "nature", that is, the local nature makes these buildings look various. It plays crucial roles in two aspects, one is the materials used for structure and construction, the other one is affecting the life style or pattern of behaviors of local people. To be more precise, the transportation is inconvenient in the past, people prefer using the material available locally, which makes all of those old buildings in one regions have same material. At the same time, each material has its own characters which leads to specific tectonic, when local people do research on it in the deeper and deeper way. On the other hand, local nature also lead people have specific life style or pattern of behavior. Conversely, both of these two aspects strengthen the architectural form. With time goes by, these forms became a specific mode, that is to say, local people design and build their house without understanding the reasons behind the form. Gradually, form became a method of construction and tectonic became a way of construction as well.

There are curious genes in everyone's body. So it is normal for people to be attracted by those modern advanced technologies because of their efficiency and their avant-garde appearance. Then they learn the new knowledge and use it in the practice way. After some of them realized that they had abandoned the local culture and tried to revive it. However, what is the method to make it?

After doing some researches on existing project, most of them have the following methods. The first one is new structure with traditional facade, the second one is new material with traditional structure, the third one is new construction with traditional material.

Currently, transportation is not a problem any more, people can get any material from all of the world. So I would love to say the influence of the aspect of material have became very weak, while the life style and pattern of behaviors still maintain as before and will not change dramatically in a short period of time. In conclusion, I would like to summarize that responding to life style and pattern of behavior is a chance to revive local culture, which may be a solution in connotation level.


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