Oral Justice, Psychoactive Compensation

People are not born with quality, regarding races, nationalities, genders, talent, families, etc. People don't live with quality, just look at yourself and any other people around you. Smart politics call this diversity. Politics who stand on the top of the human society, use equality to charm their people. Justice could be the biggest lie in our life, and most people immerse in it. Though, I agree with this propaganda. 'Justice' in everybody's mind could take peace to this world.

As an architect, when we try to create a Spacial Justice, we should be aware of the truth behind this. Who is the primary user for these spaces? Poor people, the majority of the society. What is the primary purpose to create this spaces? Help your clients- the governments to make poor people happy, to maintain harmony. So, under the name of Justice, how to make poor people happy is the biggest question to architects who are designing spatial justice.

Before we talk about the method designers may use, let's analysis how politics or people with reputation show their justice to normal people. I conclude some points here. First one, be part of normal people's life, go to the normal restaurant and order the most common food on their busy day, shop in some outlets with their family and bargain with the salesman, go to visit some famous tourist spot without visible bodyguards. Second, even those big people want to be a normal guy, unfortunately, their daily life will be disturbed by journalists or other common people who recognize them out. Then medias will report this out. Overall, the first scheme is to use someone's reputation to make your space seems very popular and welcome to even the most top people in the society. Those reputations could come from designers, corporate designers, donations, media of advertisements.
Then Justice should be shown on the activities in those spaces as well. Those spaces show provide the activities that are at least affordable and acceptable to most potential users. Like ping pong in 1980 in China. Almost all the public entertainment spaces have ping pong tables. Everyone can afford a ping pong pad and balls with their income.
Third, think clearly who is the client of your spatial justice.

When people from capitalism countries talk about justice or equality, I feel huge funny in it. Communism is a pure justice for human society, on the contrary, capitalism is perfect monetary discrimination society. Ridiculously, Justice seems not feasible in current world. If you still feel justice is good, try to immigrate to North Korea, and experience justice with people there.


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