Critical Regionalism is the obvious next step.

It is actually quite astonishing it took us 2000 some years to reach critical regionalism. It seems like a no brainer. Why would a building not be in direct response to the site which it belongs to? Maybe my beliefs come out of the face that I am a critical regionalism baby? I haven't known anything else… Critical regionalism has been the overarching architectural movement. My cohorts and myself have been raised in the school of critical regionalism. We have heard terms like “birdshit” and “spaceship” architecture. We have studied the greats whom dropped their designs from the sky, and in some cases lusted after their work… but always been taught that was not the way to do things. It makes sense that a buildings facade should react to the direction it faces and deals with the sun respectively. Styles and movements come and go leaving some lessons and practices behind, but i find it hard to believe Critical regionalism will be going anywhere… is it even a movement? Or is it just a realization of common sense? 


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