Our Part

I agree with the sentiment that the exterior and the interior and everything in between should work together. I don’t agree that the only way those things can cooperate is if the same person, or the same profession, designs them. I can’t possibly agree that the architect is the only entity capable of creating something worthwhile. I think the issues we have with being boxed into only having complete control over the envelope is a result of the process. It seems like every project I have been a part of in the “real world” starts with the receiving of a set of civil plans with the box where my building must fit into is already designed for me. And I’m sure engineers feel the same when I’ve already decide where their structure must go or created the tiny cavity where duct must run. 

Our opportunity for change is the change of how the process is done, not by staking our claim upon an area of design. If we could turn it into a truly collaborative project where we all agree on a set of ideals and intentions, wouldn’t that solve the problem? Sure, most of our energy might still focus on the envelope, but that is our part. If we can have input on the rest, we must receive input from the rest. Too often we architects think we should be the only one in charge of a thing. Because we are the only ones with enough brain cells to fully understand the whole project or its impact on human beings. We are the only ones who truly appreciate beauty.


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