Urban Sprawl + Gentrification

 With urban sprawl to suburbs and white flight out of cities also comes gentrification of places and cities. I’ve most recently noticed this in Charleston as we talked about it in history while I was studying there. The richest part of the Charleston peninsula is the waterfront edge and as you move further away from that it slowly becomes more “affordable”. The history of Charleston shows that as the peninsula developed and became more popular of a place to live these lower income neighborhoods are being taken over one property at a time and redeveloped into something nicer causing taxes and cost of living to increase in those neighborhoods, forcing people who have lived their entire lives to move because they can no longer afford to live in the place that they grew up. I feel like this happened along with tbe urban sprawl and white flight on this time. I think urban sprawl would have affected Charleston more had there been geography for that to happen. 

The Scales of Gentrification


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