White Flight
White flight began when affluent, white families fled the inner ciities to live in suburban areas where they could own their own homes, have large plots of land, and live in a car-reliant community. Most of the time they fled to the suburb of the city they fled from, distant from the city but not too far to go back to visit. The suburban sprawl of white flight has led to cookie cutter developments to accommodate the troves of families and couples who were moving out of the city en masse. Many times the communities that were created were all of the same ethnicity and became very cookie cutter with everyone looking the same, driving the same cars, and living in the same style houses as their neighbors and friends. It is astonishing the difference between these neighborhoods and communities in the suburbs where everything is the same and the neighborhoods and streets that were left behind in cities like New York with different people and buildings on each street. In conclusion, I cant imagine trading in the vibrant city life of a place like New York for the suburbs where it seems like everyone is living the same life.
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