
Imagine it, an idyllic little neighborhood filled filled with quaint little houses, occupied by perfect little families, children playing in the streets, neighbors walking their dogs, the scent of backyard barbecue wafting through the air.  How positively awful.  Neighbors getting in the way, having opinions; children making noise, spreading their germs everywhere they go; dogs with their derpy faces, the rabid beasts; pollen literally everywhere, POLLEN.  

Nope, not for me.  Give me a crummy apartment over a butcher shop condemned by the health department in a district with a triple digit crime rate in any city in the world (not L.A. I have some standards).  

As I see it, one of the fundamental flaws with modern suburbia is it produces an artificial community through forced proximity, reinforced by the idea of shared prosperity and shared identity, but completely lacking in shared history and experience.  When you move into a new house or apartment, the first thing you do is place furniture, inject your own identity into the space, make it your own.  In suburban developments however, you are often restricted in your control of the exterior form of your house, limited by standardized forms and colors.  In such a community built only upon proximity, where its is difficult to develop a spacial identity, it follows that social identity would suffer as well, leading to only two true options; to conform or conflict, both within and without.


  1. Well said as always. You mentioned the restrictions on the exterior and form of the house but I think a solution to living in these areas is to thoughtfully resolving the interior. No one can restrict you in regards to that and that space is immensely more important to living and displays an identity that the exterior will never be able to do regardless of where you live.

  2. Wonderfully coherent and relevant post. 9/10

  3. I definitely would rather live in a city over a suburb as well. But do you think that might have something to do with our age/ where we are in life? Like would you still want to live in a not so safe city when you have a family? Or when you're like a million years old?

  4. Give it up with this cat thing, Dogs (and their derpy faces) are way better


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