Sustainable building design is a kind of style

Say sustainable design is a kind of style I feel or inappropriate, I prefer to see him as a kind of design concept and purpose.
In 1987, the world commission on environment and development in "our common future" report, the first expounded the concept of "sustainable development".Green design is the combination of sustainable development goals and functionalism a design.Designers should effort to penetrate the concept of green design into the indoor environment design, accomplish continued appreciation for renewable resources, sustainable utilization, the reasonable development, saving use of non-renewable resources, for people to create a healthy and comfortable living space, to create a green indoor environment.In the green design, indoor environment should be strictly follow the principle of 5 r.
What is a sustainable indoor environment design of 5 r principles?
1 Revalue reflection and evaluation of the designer only renew the idea, from the Angle of sustainable development design "between" and "thinking", to rediscover the accurate design, really realize the design direction.
2 Reuse recycle and Reuse Reuse principle means "Reuse", "Reuse", refers to the indoor environment in sustainable design, to use all available old equipment, old materials, furniture, etc.

Bring about such as Germany freiburg personal residence, in addition to solar panels, after almost all artifacts is recycling old artifacts
3 Renew update use, old building reconstruction Renew principle means "update", "transformation", mainly refers to the retrofit of old things and reused.


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