Justification of Home Ownership

In the John Keats reading, the author poses the idea that prior to the GI Bill, "there was never the slightest justification for this nonsense" of every young man owning a home.

Until now, I never pondered the standard of the American dream. Hard work and success displayed in the form of the "house with a white picket fence-" why not? But why is this a sign of success? Especially when, according to our readings, life in the suburbs is anything but romantic.

Everyone I know that owns a house spends countless hours on the weekends fixing, repairing, and cleaning their home. It is astounding that something so desirable requires so much work. Is this a result of American culture- our citizens being constantly driven by goals of success and "status?"

On the other end of the spectrum, the media seems to often project the idea of troubled marriages in the suburbs. Shows like Mad Men highlight the deceit and separation encouraged by men being away while the wife stays at home with the kids. Is this trajectory changing with more and more women working? And even if not, are our class readings suggesting that these types if disgruntled marriages do not occur in urban households?


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