No Biomimicry

In our plight towards a more sustainable built world, I do not think that new chemicals or technologies are the answer. I honestly believe, and have for years now, that no matter what I read, the answer to sustainability lies in the past. We really need to look at historical building practices by region and apply that historical knowledge with modern building practices.

I am strongly against concepts of biomimicry which duplicate what already exists in nature. There are few circumstances in which this actually performs better than the actual thing. Why not plant actual trees for shade, plants near water sources for cleanliness or at the very root, actually use daylight?
For instance: Abalos and Sentkiewez's Zhuhai Huafa Contemporary Art Museum which is shaded by artificially constructed trees which would more than likely need replacement after 25 years. The more viable option would be planting actual trees and waiting 20 years for them grow to their full potential.


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