Skin Architecture - Informal Manifesto (Week: Envelop vs Interior)

  • Architecture is here to sign, to mark, to celebrate, like garments.
  • A church is a church because it looks like a church, and a museum is a museum because it looks like a museum; a banker would wear like a banker, and a flight attendant has its uniform. 
  • A good building should give audience a preview of the show before entering, and this type of transparency between facade and function is far more meaningful than literal transparency.  
  • New Materials, geometric patterns and parametric forms are the tailor’s handbook for making the evening gowns of pavilion architecture for the big party called World Expo.
  • This type of architecture (trendy architecture), just like the fashion industry, usually have certain elements or styles that are popular or trendy, and that’s why most of contemporary expo buildings intend to be unique but end up in looking all the same.
  • Seamless facade (modular facade) focus so much on pattern-making, that kills the facade. 
  • Skin architecture could be defined from two points of view: the one from function, and the one from design.  


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