Architecture in the Clouds

 I think the Doppler effect illustrated in the text by Somol and Whitling has a lot of merit when it comes to how we observe and design architecture. The idea of projective architecture is very interesting because it relates to the “cool” aspect described by the authors. I think they are trying to describe work that looks simple but really may have many complexities that work together in congruence. The text also described the notion that if we (as designers) design with a concept in mind that only we know or understand, we are ultimately doing the general public a disservice. This is because architecture (and well-designed spaces) is very much a public right I think worth advocating for.


  1. Shane I think this topic of design is really interesting. I believe as architects designing for sound and sound physics such as the Doppler effect is something many architects forget to implement. This does bring up a question of how is the design perceived by a person who is deaf.

  2. I agree. Also, this made me think of some of the first iterations we did on the community build bridge project with the sound research. That was the first time I had ever thought about that aspect in design.

  3. I really enjoyed this reading as well. I liked you it said "work that looks simple but really may have complexities that work together in congruence." I think this happens a lot, especially in modern architecture. Just about the time you see a "simple" modern building, you realize there is a lot more that is actually going on behind the scenes bringing it all together.


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