The Past in Present times

Although we know that post-modernism at its core was a critique of the failure of modernism, it still strikes a common  debate as to why do we still see post modernism in buildings being realized? 

Isn’t post modernism after all a relatively “cheap looking” style to execute? The faux nature of it all that doesn’t just rely on large pro-folic expanses of glass further embracing stark forms and brick-veneers. So who is keeping this relevant? Developers? 

Architects such as Gehry however viewed post modernism as ridiculous. He couldn’t understand the rationale of trying to create a link back to the architecture of antiquity. Even though he is still considered  a decon architect. With  most decon ideologies at the time aligning around  the apparent instability of language in the cultural sphere. Seeking out  new ways of determining architectural space and form within the discipline in general. However it is important that one base the resultant of post modernist architecture to the movement rather than from decons. 

Moreover, by pondering this stark assumption, it can only lead one back to its common roots. That through the manifestation of different forms of processes and theory post modernism sought to reinstate a form of continuity that happened to be lost in the modernisms’ ideologies of the 'conquering of history.'  From here I can understand how one who opposes the “sterility” of modern architecture, would in chance want to turn to forms that continue the ideas that calls back to the past rooted in post modern beliefs. Is the ideology simply that the past determines the present and the present determines the past? Many tend to focus more so on the ostensibly post modern idea that of relative value of the architectures existence, however  the strongest ideal that post modernism taught us is the idea that structure is more important than content. It's an expression and architecture in its most freest state. One can only assume and speculate the popularity of this ideal but still doesn’t t have to buy into per-say. 


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