Junk Space: Negative Capitalism or Positive Congestion

example1:  junk space=capitalism VS example2: junk space=capitalism+congestion

The first junk space is merely about capitalism: embodying fluid money flows, demonstrating indulgences to fetishism, heightening desires for shopping, and imbued with comfort, convenience, and consumption atmosphere.

Example 1: courtesy: Sarah, Gabrielle, Harrison

The first one is too clean and neat, too efficient and fast to behave any congestion. There is no enough lapse and perversion. There is no chance to think of anything beyond shopping. One became the conspirator to capitalism. 

Example 2:  courtesy: David Franco

It is congestion that brings forth the interesting side of junk space and saves it from the merciless flows of capitalism. 

The second one can be deemed as Junkspace that is about BOTH capitalism AND congestion. It is heterogeneous, mixing, overlapping, enriching, and even chaotic. Chao is the pre-condition for an opportunity; disorder is the ground for a new order. Here different human behaviors collide and different life patterns intersect. Waste and treasure are mixed. Convenience and obstacles co-existence. This is the place where new rituals are created and new lifestyles emerge. 

Therefore, Koolhas observed New York and Shanghai as examples of junk space but not the expansive suburban shopping malls of SC.


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