Buildings - How do I impress you?
I really enjoyed the portion of “form vs function” both in the lecture and in the reading. Eisenman talks about how forms were derived from functional needs. He makes a good argument discussing why he thinks that architecture should actually be emphasizing its form over function. I feel like to an extent this is subjective to the viewer. I think it was perfect timing because it came up in our lecture. We viewed a museum that Sarah had been too and thought was beautiful both inside and out. On the other hand, Lee thought it was ridiculous. In this case the form was definitely over the function, but there was a reason. The form was used as something to catch someones eye as well as lure the individual inside. If he building was a modern art museum then the form may have made a little more sense. In Sarah’s case, it worked. Lee definitely would have just keep walking.
I feel like it is always important for form and function to meet in the middle. Some have more emphasis of one than the other. The Sydney Opera House and the Guggenheim Museum definitely had more focus put not the form, but it has helped to make those buildings memorable and famous. If more focus was put on the function than the form, we would have very building buildings, but they would have excellent layout and function on the inside. Both form and function have their place in every building, but each project should be evaluated to determine how much of each characteristic it should have.
“Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.”
- Frank Lloyd Wright
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