The Villian of Architecture: Junkspace

 I think we as a profession take great pride in the fact that we can shape societies at multiple different scales. There's something enticing about having such a prominent hand in the molding of attitudes within a city, manipulation of paths, and overall contribution to the expansion of culture. 

The phrase that comes to mind is "with great power, comes great responsibility".

Junkspace is the antagonist of design; it grasps this power, responsibility, and opportunity that we as a profession have been given, and turns it into a capitalist venture. It's the filler of voids that were waiting for the perfect opportunity to bloom into something more substantial; it's the quick answer to a long set of questions that will now never get answered, but hey, at least we have this nice shiny new mall right?

Junkspace strips us of a tried and true experience; a cultural manifestation that is part of something bigger than itself. It imposes a built environment with no place and pauses the social advancement of cities.

We as designers have the duty to reimagine what these spaces can be. Reimagine these spaces so small businesses get their turn to thrive instead of the same old Sears. Allow someone local to cook you their food, instead of getting that Big Mac. And allow those people to aid in the rebuilding and celebration of local cultures. 

We don't have to be the heroes, we just can't be the Junkspace Villians.


  1. When I think of malls and junks pace, I think of the large gathering spaces and hordes of people walking around like zombies. I believe that these places should have more community value instead of being solely used for commercialism. What that looks like I guess is for us future architects to design.


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