Benefits from Building Environment by Recognizing

As an architecture student, I have a strong feeling that what I am doing is designing architecture. And it is hard for me to deny that I always try to create something new. While this standpoint is shaken recently, that is, what I am working on is building environment by recognizing context. Then the result would be different, if I followed this theory. More important, there are several benefits generating from it.

Firstly, the final result is able to have a potential of transformation. As everybody knows that transformation of built environemt is organic, to be more specific, the built environment changes by the renewal and replacement of individual cells. There is no doubt that everything is changing with time goes by, which includes users' requirements, acting and so on. Hence, we can easily come to the conclusion that the built environment will not fit to users' need any more after several years it was built. So transformation may provide users with the opportunity to make change to maintain the quality of the environment. Then it also leads to the variety because of the various identities of users.

Secondly, it involves users or residences into the design process. Users play a very important role for helping architects to recognize the context. It can be achieved in different ways. The first way is having coversation with users, talking through it with users and getting inspiration. The second way is to give them chance to show the image in their mind which should be made in the real world. Both of them is capable of strengthening the community build.


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