Designing for Ourselves or the Masses

When we decided to study architecture, most of us envisioned creating buildings that were new, different, or better than anything we had seen before. We wanted to make a difference in the world and bring the masses something that will help them live better lives. However, the reality is that only a fraction of architects are able to achieve this goal as we first envisioned it. The famous architects that we learn about in school have changed the way we think about how a building should be, but it seems to me that most non-architectural people don't get or don't like the work these "starchitects" create. I have seen many buildings that have been designed by "starchitects" that look like something out of this world. I think they are cool to look at, but would I want to inhabit them? The masses want something that is cheap, easy to maintain, and dare I say traditional. Granted there are non-architectural people out there that do like the work that these architects have created, but they are greatly outnumbered by the masses. If we should be designing for the masses, why do architects try to create something new. Is it because we want our work to mean something or do we do it to stand out? If the latter is true, then we are designing for our own selfish reasons. Ultimately the question is, are we designing for ourselves or for the masses?


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