A "Junkspace" of culture


Within Rem Koolhaas’ writings he speaks on the idea of architecture creating a cultural shift. Much of what we experience in our most recent history books is the idea of the “Guggenheim Effect”. Before the term was given an icon, it was a considered a cultural flagship (meaning Frank Gehry was not the first to implement this concept). Koolhaas’ critique of modernism is that it has no definable style, as it is seen as a mix of different styles that all architects can just pull certain details from each era and a building is then formed. 

If done in the correct manor, I think both a cultural flagship and modernism can be respectful to the past and to the context of the place. Although I am comparing two extremes to a style and movement within architecture, they both tend to be unique in each piece of architecture that is constructed. Frank Gehry with his establishment of deconstructivism with his building in Bilbao to each small detail in a façade, they can be contextual through history of the given place.


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