The Human Residue

"Junkspace is what remains after modernization has run its course..." 

The beginning of the text refers to the left overs of modernization as Junkspace. This is true, but I wonder on what scale. The text refers to pyramids, which evokes me to think of the Coliseum, the Parthenon and other beautiful structures left behind from previous centuries. What do we have left over? Shopping malls, box stores, and sad lifestyles? Now of course, internationally there are many examples of great architecture that will live-on. But my question takes a look at the United States. What will WE have left? The pictures I have included are meant to provoke thought and questions. The more modern examples are what in my mind could be the "leftover" architecture in the future. Because let'f face it - box stores and shopping centers will be destroyed. 


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