Theory vs. Reality

“(Manfredo) Tafuri said history will not be interested in your work if you haven’t built anything.” – Peter Eisenman.  

In the context of architectural theory, I think it is important to view critique of a work through the lens of the quote above.  A person could argue in circles whether Libeskinds Jewish museum is an example of autonomous architecture (or not).  In my opinion, both arguments are irrelevant.  The building stands as an example of a powerful idea, that was brought to life through architecture.  The building can be critiqued because it was built.  It is not just an idea on paper.  You cannot have opposition to something without first having a position.  In that context, Libeskind’s building advances architectural theory by having something tangible to reference and critique, and therein lies the significance of Libeskind's design.  


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