Synthetic Congestion.

Synthetic experiences in the city have continued to be more popular than ever. 
Digital technologies have created many new activities far beyond the steeplechase of
Coney Island.  People today often live in an augmented or distracted experience as they walk,
drive through or interact with the city.  Internet based technologies are the basis around a lot
of behaviors and exchanges in the city. Everything you need today can be summoned from
an app on a cell phone, housing, food, goods, employment, transportation, friends, entertainment. 
This type of system can distance people from city life and is limited to those who can afford it.


  1. Great point, I would argue that society of these types are very western hemisphere. As we adapt as a society here, we tend to look out East to learn how to be better our cities. I will admit we technology has given us a false sense of hope and security, especially with the advancements of modern augmented reality. If we continue down this road of technology forming our daily life, I see people walking down a empty road of congested augmented reality. Where architecture is no longer built but simply viewed through a phone or device.


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