Metropolis as Utopia?

Our technological advancements through time have arrived us at the Metropolis. If it weren't for these advances in technology then we may have found different means of coping and movement which could have placed us on a different track in the finding of a perfect Metropolis or Utopia. Our vertical neighborhood concept is an efficient social project that has promoted more and more innovation in the model. The unfortunate part of this is that it has become such a success that only the money bags can afford it. The very people who are unable to afford private transportation methods are also unable to afford the efficient lifestyle of vertical living. Our Utopian model has proved ineffective for the ones who need it the most but the most pleasurable for those who can afford whatever lifestyle they find appropriate. The Metropolis has become an icon for success and it is our advancements through history that have gotten us here, and I believe that we are adjusting our success to be more universal by means of affordable housing, community space, accessible design, sustainable design, and access to transportation. We are still working to perfect the Metropolis as a Utopia and as we realize inefficiencies and inequalities we as Architects are implementing design that addresses this.

The image above is of the 1927 film, Metropolis, a film about the future and a beautiful Utopian Metropolitan area that works for the rich and elegant directly above a population of mistreated workers that make the city run. This is a chilling look at the possible future that we may be creating if we don't address the issues that are seen today. 


  1. I agree that the vertical living lifestyle is most accessible to those who have the most resources. Unfortunately the general market and economy will prevent even the socially minded developers from being successful. The only way I can see to ensure constant access to affordable housing and equitable spaces is through laws and policies that haven't yet caught up with this change in lifestyle. This would help ensure that good design is accessible to all and won't become priced out in the future.


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