Alternate Realities due to Advances in Technology

Alternate Realities due to Advances in Technology

Rem Koolhaas’ ideas about “The Culture of Congestion” discusses how new technology supported the ‘Metropolitan Condition’ in Manhattan. Technology such as the elevator, electricity, and theme rides at Coney Island allowed for a new form of reality that also became a “...superior substitute for the “natural” reality that [was] depleted by the sheer density of human consumers” (Koolhaas, 324).   Manhattan was so congested that people found the need to escape to a ‘cardboard reality’ that reminded them of the natural elements that used to exist before the hyper-density design of the city.   This immediately made me think of how technology is changing our world today.  Specifically, what kind of alternate realities will be created by the advances we see in social media and artificial intelligence?   

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  1. Sophia, interesting take on the Koolhaas reading, at times it feels like it is the evolution of mankind that helped bring about what we see today. People fighting the status quo of what is to create what could be.

    In terms of social media and AI becoming that new challenge; I feel that it is already taking place with pieces of architecture designed to encourage that social media post, such as The Vessel. When architects begin designing for that could change what we think is a front door and a back door.


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