There is nothing wrong with making a statement

It was mentioned in class that 'good architecture' is one that is done so well that it goes basically unnoticed.  Although I can see the reasoning in the statement, I believe that 'good architecture' is noticed.  Yes, it might be so good that it doesn't have any problems that stick out and make you want to comment, but in that case I think that it is just that, 'good', not great or amazing.  Then there are those who believe that autonomous architecture needs to take a back seat as it is 'out of touch'.  With this I disagree.  To begin with, every idea comes or is inspired by something, and when addressing a problem, its cause is always taken into consideration.  The response is a reaction to what caused the problem in the first place.  Autonomous architecture might not please everyone as it is loud and 'out of context' but I think that it IS a response to the context and does take it into consideration.  I would argue that even the pyramids of Giza are Autonomous architecture and yet they have been respected and taken into appreciation.  They did not fit the traditional design of the times of temples with columns and entablatures, but rather wanted to make a statement.  Just like the Maxxi Museum, they might not have been an efficient solution, but they have served their design intent.

Image result for pyramids of giza

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  1. Yeah, I also enjoy iconic buildings, but even with the piramids there wwas a progression from the firsts one to the Great Piramid of Giza. And it had metaphorical connection to their understanding of the world.


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