“Experts on Design Relationships”

I have taken studios that focus on indexicality, functionality and theory/history. Explicitly or subtlety these professors tell me to forget about my previous notions of what architecture is, as these are obsolete or incorrect. All this back and forth and different currents on contemporary architecture made me feel fastigiated about architectural discourses.

Nevertheless! reading about projective architecture was quite satisfying as it allowed me to identify a term that pinpoints what I like about architecture and my reason to stay.  I know we can not be an expert on everything but we can still design to have an effect on other fields outside of architecture such as politics, economics, anthropology, etc. Not just reflecting these issues but not ignoring them either. I think that if we are to be called designers, the term for me implies having an intention.

Indexical architecture that only reflects its own design process can hardly be call design in my opinion. If a design is not done with an intention for what we want to influence, facilitate or affect, then it is just an exercise of playing with geometry.




  1. I have found it very interesting seeing all of the architectural personalities of professors through the years, some I agree with, others I don't, but now there seems to be a clarity. I would have to agree, perhaps both of these are an Architecture, but only one is a true design.

  2. I agree with you that true design comes from an understanding of our surroundings and the outside factors at play that have a real impact on design. However, what's most important is how we take that and formulate a response that actually addresses these issues while also being aesthetically pleasing.


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