The Parametricism Style?

Zaha Hadid Architects: Heydar Aliyev Center
Herzog de Meuron: Hamburg Elbphilharmonie

Patrik Schumacher, a longtime partner at Zaha Hadid Architects, wrote Parametricist Manifesto about a decade ago. He writes: “As a style, parametricism is marked by its aims, ambitions, methodological principles, and evaluative criteria, as well as by its characteristic formal repertoire.” [archdaily]

He goes on to explain that he foresees difficulty in categorizing parametric architecture into a specific architectural style, so, he pushes for a conceptual reconstruction of what we mean by ‘style’. In other words, we can’t limit our classification of parametric architecture only on appearance, but need to understand that style includes how the design was conceived.

I was a bit put off by his manifesto because I feel like he’s trying to establish parametricism as an exclusive thread of architecture to self-promote the work of Zaha’s office and himself. He knows inherently that parametric architectures will not look similar, so he strives to unite them by their process.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that parametric design processes should serve as a single tool in the diverse toolbelt of an architect. They should be used or leveraged  when necessary, but should not serve as a one size fits all approach to making, classifying, or even critiquing architecture.


  1. Great point. I would agree in the idea of parametric design should only be thought of as a tool rather than an all encompassing methodology. This topic then makes me ask what is the natural progression of this approach? Does it inevitably alienate the architect? In the future will this be reflected upon as the seeds that automated architecture and diminished the role and need for architects? Is there value in a person influencing the design and all of the error and personal preference that comes with versus a program? I don't know the answers but I can see this being the groundwork that would revolutionize architecture in the same way countless industries have automated for the sake of efficiency and innovation.

  2. I completely agree - parametric design should be a tool that helps elevate design with the user/ public in mind. Like Gray, I worry that we are progressing in a direction where architecture will almost be directed by and dependent on technology. How can a computer output designs that appeal to human emotions? And will we get to a point where the profession will almost be obsolete - there won't need to be that many of us because a computer can do the work of 20 people?

  3. I also agree, parametric design should be a tool that contributes to the process of architecture. I think it would be a mistake to allow a tool to completely dictate a design. It would limit the architectural possibilities and reduce creativity.


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