Koolhaas, Starchitecture, and pinterest architects

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Koolhaas has quite an active imagination, and I can appreciate that in an Architect, and in a person. it makes his writings easy to read, and even fun at times. But it can also lead readers to paying attention to different details when they themselves come to design. Ellen Dunham-Jones states it quite succinctly

"his essays and projects of the '90s smoothed the way for the parade of "starchitecture" object buildings that followed."

Is it possible that this exuberance and overactive imaginative writing, his near praising of the more problematic sides of architecture seemed to give new designers a sort of freedom. free from the regiment of criticism, and atop a booming economy, it seems that designers went wild. designing with fads, designing objects, buildings that looked great in one shot but were all but unusable. I greatly enjoy Koolhaas' writings, but I fear that when interpreted without the right frame of mind, it may have led to the idea that anyone and everyone can design without any deliberation on whether they should.

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