Home or HOME ?

This week reading made me reflect a lot about what we should build as architects. It is always a different feeling when we leave college to get back home over breaks and holidays, but why. Can't we just feel home everywhere we live, can't we just create new memories wherever we go. Can't we just experience the same feelings each time we enter a building. It is hard to answer why. But thinking about it all, it starts to make sense because when we call a place home, it is because that place reflects everything that we are, and it is like nothing in the world can change that feeling of belonging no matter how far away we run from that place. 

Those memories stay with us as we grow and get old. Buildings breathe as much as we do, and they shape us as much as our willingness to pursue our passion and dreams get bigger. Can architecture be a call home, can it be the reason why we build not to change things but to recreate those moments that often times get lost or buried when cities are in ruins and buildings fall apart like raindrops. Can we as architects use everything that our homes give us to build a world that can breath as much as human and buildings do? 

What tactics are needed for us to head on that path, can't we reconfigure the strategies that are put in place by societal standards of civility and deadly ignorance and ask ourselves why we are shaping structures that we will never call home? Once we find the answer to those questions I believe, we will finally allow the world to breath and architects will be the memories that are never forgotten, the memories that shape human beings in everything that they are, and aspire to be, and give them the freedom to breath and have a place they will always call home.


  1. is home about the structure or the people?

    1. both depending on context and your relationship with either. But on this post it is mostly about the structure although the human scale is there.


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