Their furniture was too complicated to put together anyway...
“Everything Ikea manufactures is aimed at turning the sphere of domesticity into a sunny, happy, apolitical space inhabited by contented, healthy young people.”
I enjoyed the film "Ikea Disobedients". I actually watched it twice as I really had process the different themes in my head. A lot of the points that it brought up I hadn’t really noticed before. Maybe it’s because I fall into the realm of the demographic they are targeting or maybe it’s because I hadn’t ever really thought about it in that sense before. The work by Andrés Jague used Ikea’s marketing as an example to depict the idea of the common home.
When Jague did this work, his goal was to challenge what Ikea was depicting as the everyday household. The video talked about how all of Ikea’s ads either depict people with children or people busy having children. It even talked about how 90% of the people in the ads have blonde hair. This argument could be challenged because some household do not have any children present. Some households are made up of elderly people who do not even have blonde hair. The work discussed how that the home could be a “space of disconnection from public strife and dispute” and, “location where one can forget the rest of the world.” This clicked in my head because it described home as a refuge. For me, home has always felt like just that. The work was aimed at creating a space where it would be possible to bring together confrontation and encounters with all that is different. I think it is a cool idea of bringing the two together. The proposal of instead creating a space and seeing what the possibilities are when you bring all of these different types together and see what outcomes are fostered.
I had the same thoughts coming from this article - a Place of refugee. Although I agree with what you are saying I did get a little 'scared' when really thinking about how we bring these advertised 'things' into our home and how, whether we know it or not, these 'things' could be altering the way we live. Connecting it more to consumerism I started to think of the home items I have recently purchased and how they +/- affected how I act, not just how I live.