How much does client know (Week 7).

"When Architecture starts to be Art, it will go off the road.."

-Sjoerd Soeters                 

I was very much touched by this statement by Sjoerd. The context here is not about the form but the Architect's influence and his themes on the design. I agree with John Habraken when he says self-expression always exists. The owner wants to express their ideas, Architect wants to express their themes. But where is the sweet spot, where both parties would be satisfied? 

John Habraken says that the built environment exists for thousands of years, and architects started to be in the scene recently. I really appreciate his broader perspective on the relationship between owners and the built environment. But what is the difference between a professional and an owner with no related education? 

I understand that Owners know what they want, but they may still overlook few issues which may be costly to solve in the long run. A professional would have a checklist ready with all concerns to be taken care of, before being done with the construction.

For example, there could be an owner who wants to be most expressive in form and may not know its consequences. If, in this case, the architect tries to explain to the owner a few sustainable ideas and designs, would it be called influencing or intervention? 

May be an unsustainable home, but still satisfies owner's expression. 

I don't want to take sides on this topic but with my experience, if client could explain his requirements with the Architect, they should be able to design in such a way that it would satisfy the requirements and express the client in the form. 

Balance in between Owners and Architects


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