Cool House


The most critical observation Koolhaas makes in architecture is the way air conditioning has changed it.  The invisible force that monitors temperature.  This may be the one of the most altering technologies to our species as well.  

It is so easy to stay inside forever, the way we humans have learned to alter our environment to fit our needs instead of altering our lifestyle has been for our great success as well as our detriment.  In many ways air conditioning removed the need for the environmental strategies Ulrike always talks about.  Air conditioning removed the need for us to properly orient our buildings and design with sun, wind, and climate at the forefront of our mind to create a comfortable space, instead we just use air conditioning.  As with anything the ability to finely tune our space has great benefits as well, Florida would not exist without air conditioning.  

Technology changes and improves and there is no choice but to embrace it, but it is wise to embrace any technology with caution and intelligence.  We now know the benefits and consequences of air conditioning; how can we learn from it and move the discipline of architecture in the right direction?


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