"Spatializing Justice"

Informal Architecture as we studied in class is beneficial to increase users for its ability to increase user participation, community engagement, creativity, and cultural preservation. It also enables families to grow alongside the structure of their home in an affordable way. John Habraken's book "Supports: An Alternative to Mass Housing" states that it is essential for their to be a connection between the dweller and the dwelling. Who can best form the connection than the user themselves? While flexible and informal architecture is important I think that we as architects are there to assist rather than direct or dictate what people need. We need to work with developers who are typically looking at the monetary investment and increased income from the form of the architecture and advise them to consider their future clients needs. Creating flexible spaces is vital to this success and we as architects can activate these spaces to avoid them from becoming unused and awkward spaces. These spaces can become vital to the evolving programs the users may need or as the building is repurposed in the future. 

Teddy Cruz is another Architect whose practice is reflective of informal spaces and flexibility and describes his goals in his book: "Spatializing Justice" with a focus on the border region between the United States and Mexico.

Cruz's approach to informal architecture is rooted in the belief that the built environment can and should be shaped by the people who live and work in it. He sees informal settlements, such as the shantytowns that have sprung up along the US-Mexico border, as the result of people's ingenuity and resourcefulness in the face of limited resources and government neglect. Cruz's work involves studying these informal settlements and working with residents to identify their needs and desires. He then collaborates with them to design and build affordable, sustainable housing that is tailored to their specific needs and integrates local resources and materials.


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