Marcos Parallelogram

 Marcos Parga's view on informal architecture was shaped by his belief in the power of architecture to promote social and economic development. He saw informal settlements and self-built structures not as problems to be eradicated, but as opportunities to engage with and empower marginalized communities.

 Parga believed that the key to successful interventions in informal settlements was to work collaboratively with local residents and to prioritize their needs and aspirations. He also emphasized the importance of context and culture in design, and sought to integrate local traditions and materials into his projects. 

For Parga, informal architecture was a dynamic and evolving practice that could inspire new approaches to design and planning. His work aimed to bridge the gap between formal and informal practices, and to create more equitable and sustainable built environments for all.


  1. Hey Hunter,

    I appreciate your take on Marcos Parga views and responses to promote better social and economic development through architecture. Giving the users the abilities and freedom to design there apartments to there liking. Using every part the the room from the ceiling to the the amount of light that is received. I recall him stating that his architecture doesn't have the answer but provides an alternative design.


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