who put you in charge


"who died and made you king of anything" - Sara Bareilles

Architects should act as funnels of knowledge and growth facilitators rather than kings and overlords. The theories of early 1900s modern architecture act with good intentions to create utopia but miss a key component, the people's voice. It is impossible to prescribe a one size fits all solution to society especially without gaining input from those you are designing for. While architects have a unique skill and knowledge set they can not impose their thoughts on the rest of society simply because they have the power to do so. An architect must take the time and measures to include the community in the design process. Then using the knowledge they hold they can facilitate the ideas and dreams of everyday users.

I asked ChatGPT to create a song based on Sara Bareilles's 'King of Anything' about collaboration in architecture. Here it is...

Verse 1:

You may think you know what's best for our city

But listen up, let me tell you something pretty

We live here, we work here, we play here too

We care about our space, just like you do


So don't you be the king of everything

Let us have our voice, let our opinions ring

We want to be part of the architecture game

It's not just your vision, it's ours to claim

Verse 2:

We see the potential in every street and block

We know the history, the stories that unlock

We have ideas and dreams that can inspire

We want our neighborhoods to rise higher


So don't you be the king of everything

Let us have our voice, let our opinions ring

We want to be part of the architecture game

It's not just your vision, it's ours to claim


Collaboration is the key, don't shut us out

Let's build something beautiful, without a doubt

We're not just numbers, we're people with a say

Let's work together, in a community way


So don't you be the king of everything

Let us have our voice, let our opinions ring

We want to be part of the architecture game

It's not just your vision, it's ours to claim


Architecture is more than just a pretty sight

It's a reflection of our values, of our plight

So let's work together, to build something great

Let's listen to the community's voice, before it's too late.


  1. KJ, You are absolutely right. It is important for us as emerging architects to understand that we are serving the society and not ruling the society. We serve the needs of the society. To do it right we need to understand the society and consider the voices of the society in the design process.

  2. KJ I like the creative idea to utilize AI to create a song. It puts an interesting twist on the assignment. However to the content portion i believe that you are corrrect that we as architects must be facilitators not dictators.

  3. Encore Encore! This is great! Totally agree that while we have the knowledge and power to we should take our knowledge to serve the society

  4. KJ, this would be such a unique and cool idea for your final project! Taking a commonly known ballad to write about the theoretical approach to your project could be very strong. Excited to see the creative thinking!

  5. KJ, while the song is amazing, I think the points made at the beginning are as well and should not be overlooked. It's obvious (I hope) that architects are team members of the bigger picture. It's not about one person changing the world. It's a group effort and architects are on the forefront of this battlefield. "Teamwork makes the dream work" is as evident now as ever.


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