Incremental Housing?

Alejandro’s incremental housing set’s an incredible model for other societies to follow. Building an

incremental housing where the user get’s to build and complete the house to have a larger footprint. This is

essentially solving the quality of social housing issues. 

The text talks about how urban centers have become a habitat for the economically forward class. With the

advent of suburbs in America’s people moved out of the city centers to be able to afford a decent home.

Urban centers are becoming more and more expensive. Today’s affordable housing projects in the US

cities are working towards bringing down the cost of housing in City centers. These affordable projects are

subsidized by the cities to help accommodate low-income families closer to the cities benefiting both the

developer and the families. It’s a commendable take and approach to solve the issue of social housing

similar to Alejandro’s approach. Even Though the solution isn’t architectural, It is a great step towards

solving the problem. Will Alejandro’ successful model in a socialist society like Chile be successful in a

capitalistic society like the United States?


  1. I don't think all solutions need to be 100% architectural. I think striving for homes that are accessible to communities and comfortable is an achievement of architecture.

  2. Dan mentioned this SC affordable housing community that could be a great model for other cities to follow:

  3. I don't think that this will work in the US. If it does work, it will only work in certain areas. When I look at this project, I see half a house with an adjacent "lot" that will eventually be sold to build another house.


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