Michel de Certeau makes an interesting observation when identifying the differences between strategies and tactics.  In his definition he determines that strategies are an effort to create order as it would seem to look nice and make sense from an all-knowing birds eye view.  A strategy creates order without context of the existing systems in place.  A tactic on the other hand does not consist of any proper ordered geometry and instead focuses on what can be observed of a place and how to design for that place during a time.  Timing is crucial for a tactic. 

To me the comparison of tactic and strategy is analogous to the nature of order and chaos. 

Strategy follows the nature of order.  It is the natural consequence of disorganization to lead to an ordered plan that is implemented to simplify and create regimentation and geometric order. 

Tactics are a more chaotic method to design by.  The implications of the word chaos are of course ones of negativity however this is not always the case.  Chaos is a step away from order, it is the interruption of what is thought to be the perfected organization.  It creeps into that which is regimented because regimentation cannot fulfill every need.  

Perhaps it is the rebellious nature of humanity to always be at odds with the current state. 

Order and chaos can both be taken to dangerous extremes and the natural motion of the swinging pendulum creates an oscillating balance between the two.  Design is similar, order and regimentation cannot fulfill our needs because we humans are as chaotic as we are regimented.  In the same way if things are too chaotic, we must organize them in some way to function in the world.  Order and chaos will always be at odds, one begets the other and so the oscillation continues.  


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