Who should the architect be?

"...the architect.... The term has been applied to figures ranging from head-bricklayer to God (supreme 'architect' of the uni­verse), and this unlimited latitude of meaning has weighed enor­mously on the destiny of those claiming the title, because it has trapped them between the frustrating suspicion of not achieving the minimum and the exalted vanity of arriving at the maximum." (Architecture's Public)

Giancarlo De Carlo's criticism of the architect perception reveals the conflict of the profession of that time. What is the role of the architect? And to what extent should the architect bear all control and to what extent should the architect allow the client or the contractor obtain some control.

I think the responsibility of the architect is to act like a guide. Allowing the public to reach into the profession, be apart of the creation of the built environment, while the architect is there to show them the best methods or procedures to achieve comfortable and beautiful environments everyone wants.

The architect delegates, leads and guides. Not controls.


  1. Good points here. Everyone has creative ability and design capabilities. It seems that an architect is more refined in their training and understanding especially in technical matters. Architecture may be like most other fields in the way that individuals can do it, but it will often be more difficult or will take much longer than hiring an expert. This could be said of doing your taxes, fixing your car, or making your own clothes opposed to buying them.


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