
The year was 2014. I was living in Berkeley, California at the time. And one night, as many often find themselves, we were on the hunt for pizza. My roommate and I leave our apartment, and as we embark on our journey we are immediately confronted with a line of police officers. They were getting into formation in the middle of the intersection in an attempt to block the protesters from proceeding. But needless to say, this did not hinder us on our mission.

We continue to walk down the street, away from all the action, towards the nearest bus stop. But alas, the buses were not running that night.

We were not discouraged.

Implementing the technology we had on hand, we called an Uber. And as we were patiently waiting, an unmarked vehicle very casually pulled over on the street in front of us. The doors opened, and a surprising number, more than you thought possible, of uniformed and geared persons breezily hopped out of said vehicle.

Needless to say, we went home, pizza-less.


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