Local Identity in the Global City

For the Critical Regionalism, one important thing in my mind would be how could architects integrate the local culture and background with the building together to make it specifically designed for this area. I think it does not emotionally imitate the local factors, but in a contemporary and open way to create a "world culture" based on the regional area.

Shu Wang's projects can be good examples. I am not gonna judge whether the function of his buildings work well or not. But the way how he tried to integrate the traditional Chinese architectures and local factors such as the curve roof, bricks, and tails in the modern buildings do give me some inspiration.

Here is another example, Marino Marini Museum in Florence, Italy. It was an ancient church, but now it's a museum of sculpture. The architects renovated the building in line with a "dynamic" reading of the sculpture work. When I went to visit this building last semester,  I was so surprised how the architect bridge the historical and contemporary material with the steel and wood.


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