Critical Regionalism at a subconscious level

Sometimes you wonder why certain buildings work so perfectly and some don’t. I often have wondered about this and experienced this feeling with certain buildings in my City where we do not have 100 percent conditioned spaces in all buildings. After reading and understanding Critical Regionalism I believe one of the Architects who has followed Critical Regionalism if not at a conscious level but at a subconscious level is Charles Correa. I have had the privilege of visiting many of his projects, some in the city which I grew in. All his projects effortlessly create a built environment which reflects the traditional as well as the modern elements together in much unified ways. All his buildings understand the present context, needs and aspiration of the people.

One of the examples will be National Crafts Museum in Delhi, India where he has taken inspiration from ancient architecture to create path (spine) and arrangement of courtyards around it but he has used in minimalistic architecture of modernism to avoid unnecessary ornamentation of ancient architecture. The courtyards act as node for cultural interaction as well the regulating the comfort conditions in Urban scenario


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