Some (Expert) Assembly Required: Part II

To update everyone on the on-going build in Charleston, we are still waiting on permits. This lead us to investigate, why must we wait so long to build a house, when 50 people a day are moving to Charleston? Many would think this mass migration is slowing down the planning department, maybe so, but with all those additional permits they must have the money to hire more employees? We decided to call up the local council person and get to the bottom of things. It always comes down to politics. It turns out the slow down in the planning department is coming from the top as suspected. The council person admitted that development is happening so fast, that they wish to slow it down so that they can keep up with the infrastructure. This, I argue also plays into David Harvey's speculation that politicians control development to artificially inflate the marketplace. This is happening rampantly in Charleston as many know from trying to find housing there. Supply is low, demand is high, so prices are climbing. The council person went on to boast they can halt permits entirely if they wish, and may even open up a system where builders who pay more can pass through faster. So when the citizens think they are in control, they are quickly reminded they absolutely are not, until they gather forces and vote in representatives that will support their agendas.


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