Education and place for architects

Along the semester I have been able to see myself and locate myself withing some of the architectural views we have study. Critical regionalism is something that nowadays is applied not only in Clemson but many other schools, at least in Venezuela I know that's a view very present in architecture schools. The school where I did my undergrad was considered modern, but now that I (for the first time) hear about this Critical Regionalism, I believe it was part of this movement since it has reinterpretations of the modernism but a fantastic acknowledgment of the context and the climate above everything. Not to be cheesy but being able to learn how to design in a building so impressive helped a lot with inspiration and thinking of the details. Just the thought of how comfortable I was for five years of my life in a building with NO conditioned spaces and that naturally lightened 80 percent of the time is remarkable. It makes me want to do more of that in my designs because I know it can work.

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Spaces at FAU UCV


  1. It would be great if all architecture schools could "practice what they preach." My undergraduate architecture school was a very boxy, brick building on the outskirts of campus and surrounded by the Shawnee National Forest. It would have been nice to study in a place that was designed for the location it was in.


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