How to keep the diversity of the city

Last year, I had Henrique’s Architecture in the city class. In that class, we discussed the book <The Death And Life Of Great American Cities>. Jane Jacobs thought that “Diversity is nature to big cities”. There are four ways to keep the diversity of the city:
There should be old and new buildings to meet the needs of different levels of people; to mix various main functions, not to make simple functional division; to maintain a certain population density in order to maintain the diversity of activities, and so on.

I think this book also has great significance for the construction of cities in China. For example, The planning of some large suburban residential areas in many big cities in China seems to violate some of the diversity requirements. Because there are no commercial areas around these residential areas or even the lack of necessary living facilities. These places are just for people to sleep. If they need to work or have some entertainments, they need to go downtown. This also artificially increases the congestion of the main roads. In addition to the new rural construction, there are also many places to think about. If young people are going to the cities, what is the use of the unpopular new countryside?


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