Living in a gap

We all know that Japan is a small island, there is not a lot of lands to build, either take down the existing building or build within the available spaces. There are a lot of modern houses squeezing in a gap between two houses. There is couple project I found in Japan that pushing the boundaries of small space.






Tokyo is very dense city and this project is located in Bunkyo-ku, one of the more densely populated wards. The plot of land measured just about 300 sq ft and could be best described as, well, a gap. But in that gap, and in their typical non-conventional style, the team succeeded in erecting a house that, while narrow, somehow manages to meet all the criteria of a comfortable living space. 






This Tokyo five-story Located in a dense commercial district, the building provides a combined home and workplace for two writers. 




The house was designed under the philosophy of a small house with a great view’ and is essentially a series of interconnected levels with a giant glass facade.


I think it is very fascinating to see the contrast between traditional style home and modern style home and how we can design a space that occupies every inch of land. 



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