FLEX SEAL. It's like the Hoover Dam in a Can!!!

Most new architecture works. It may not be pretty but it works. In Clemson, we live in siding covered apartment buildings probably constructed in a disturbingly short amount of time. Still, we live in them and they work for us. To me how humans inhabit and interact with everyday spaces is fascinating. As designers we imagine how places could and should be used and we create them. Sometimes our users abide by our wishes and sometimes they don't. Moreover, as buildings age and weather, I think human interaction becomes increasingly fascinating. What happens when the light burns out or the handle comes off the cabinet? Does the quality of the space affect the timeliness with which we address these issues? I would guess, yes it does. Personally, in my experience, I try to innovate new ways to solve issues without actually solving the existing problem. Clearly in the United States I am not alone. Each day, ads for 'easy solution' products such as Flex Seal are aired on television. Instead of getting your leaky roof actually repaired, just use this liquid spray that will prevent additional water damage for an uncertain amount of time. While I have never used Flex Seal, I have solved a wide variety of home improvement issues recently. To me this is just another example of how humans personally inhabit their everyday spaces.

 I am not the  most handy person in the world so below I included my personal solutions to when 'architecture breaks'.

Problem:The circuitry in my bathroom is damaged and the lights take 5-10 seconds to turn on. Solution: Instead of calling an electrician which would cost me money, I instead leave the bathroom lights on whenever I am home.

Problem: The lock on my front door is detached from the door and broken.
Solution: I stick our letter opener inside the lock. It is able to unlock and lock the front door without me calling the locksmith.

Problem: My kitchen doesn't have enough counter space
Solution: I permanently leave the ironing board open allowing me to store ingredients while cooking, dry recently washed dishes, and use it as a buffet for serving to guests.


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