Agency over architecture

 This week we learned about architecture in the city and creating spaces in between things that are already built. We talked about Margaret Crawford’s Everyday Urbanism and Phoebe Wilson’s Neighborhood Places. Both theories are about the importance of observing how everyday life is lived and how that affects the built environment. How can we as architects create a base layer of the built environment for the users to modify to their needs? This is a strategy that is being used in social housing to give the people living there agency over their space and allowing where they live to cater to their needs. This approach to architecture is something I think we should continue to do in the future as it is allowing architecture to be accessible to everyone. 


  1. I think a great way to design better spaces that are modifiable by the users is to analyze places where this modification is already successful. Seeing precedents and previous designs that are being used in completely unanticipated ways could be inspirational for todays architects to design with a flexible intention for a building or space.


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