Continuous Creation


‘The present city must be defined as a place of continuous creation.’ – Margaret Crawford

I agree with this quote from the reading: Everyday Urbanism. Once something is built, it does not live on forever in a vacuum. Society could change so the building, and the city on a larger scale, needs to evolve to meet the new needs of the citizens. The Hillside Terrace project in Tokyo that was discussed in class was an interesting project to me. It was done by one architect in several stages, across several decades. Even though it was the same project and same architect, each stage has slight differences in terms of atmosphere and program. For example, one stage has a lot of housing with what appear to be family owned small businesses, while another focuses on cultural facilities. Having the project done in separate stages made the project more future-proof, as after each stage, it allowed for a reevaluation of changes to the surrounding area and society, and what therefore, needed to be in the next stage. Going forward, I am interested if this project will continue to stand up to the test of time now that it is ‘complete’.


  1. I also agree with this and thought this project was interesting as well. I appreciate that he viewed the in-between spaces the same as the design itself. I also find it interesting that these spaces became the heart of the project in a way. By designing the buildings in different phases, it takes into account the future and what might be needed for each phase which is how we should approach things.

  2. The concept of evolution within our built environment is interesting and one that I have thought of multiple times. Besides building in phases, so that literal time has passed, is there a way to ensure that permanent architecture could be modular? Or perhaps, we should get over the idea and just say that most architecture is temporary so that society's environment can evolve? That's kind of a sad thought.


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