McDonald's Rules the World

I find the difference between this “world-city” and “global-city” very interesting. More and more, businesses and firms become more global by outsourcing their day-to-day tasks to the best bidder all over the world. Of course, they still have their headquarters, but the business itself is spread across the globe. Since businesses are heavily focused on their specific brand which tends to influence their architecture, does this mean that the other sectors across the globe have to adapt and reflect that single identity, completely disregarding the local identity? I think the best example of this was comparing McDonald's to Chic-fil-A during the debate – Mcdonald's is worldwide, but their menu adapts to the local culture, where Chic-fil-A is more local but very vocal and steadfast in their beliefs and variety of foods. If Chic-fil-a were to go global, would they adopt or continue their current processes?


  1. I cant agree more with your comparison. Truly McDonald's adapts to the local cuisine and rules among them. It really makes sense how architecture could adopt the local culture.


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